Jake Doyle

Online Fitness and Nutrition Coach

I specialise in helping busy professionals improve their health and fitness.

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My name is Jake Doyle and I specialise in helping busy professionals improve their health and fitness.

Many people in the corporate world tend to neglect their health due to a number of reasons, maybe due to a perceived lack of time, high amounts of stress, lack of sleep or lack of knowledge.

I specialise in education and transformation.

At conquer by strength (CBS) coaching we provide programs that are completely tailored to the individual as everyone lives different lives and so has very different needs and goals.

This means that by following the Conquer By Strength program you will be able to achieve the results you want, improve your longevity, develop a strong mindset and change your life for the better.

About me


I began my coaching journey as a snowboard instructor in France where I discovered my passion for helping people. Once I returned home, I completed my course in personal training and went on to work in numerous gyms.

After gaining lots of experience I started Conquer by strength and became a mobile PT as well as an online coach. Now I aim to help more people as I have transitioned to a fully online coach to help busy executives improve their lives and learn to love training.

I have tried many forms of training during my career so can cater my client’s programs to their favourite training styles to ensure they enjoy the process and achieve their goals.

Training is my passion and I have explored many types of training throughout my career. I feel it’s so important to train towards a specific goal in order to keep yourself motivated and accountable, as well as finding more enjoyment in it when I know it will pay off.

My most recent accomplishment was my first boxing fight. It was a great way of challenging my discipline, mental fortitude and dedication. I was pushed well out of my comfort zone and had any barriers to overcome  whether that was in tough sparring, running in the cold, attending the sessions sometimes twice a day, Not drinking alcohol as frequently and even injury.

Ultimately it all payed off and I won the fight and it was the best feeling and was by far the best experience I’ve had so far in fitness.

I know that if I could overcome the barriers I faced leading up to that fight, so can you!  Especially with having me as a coach keeping you, accountable and motivated throughout

There is nothing you cant achieve if you change your mindset and start working towards a goal

A few years on after gaining experience working with clients and getting amazing results I started ‘Conquer by strength’. This is when I made the switch to solely online training with an aim to help many more people.

Now conquer by strength specialises in helping busy executives drop between 5-25kg and build muscle and get into great shape.

What is the Conquer By Strength program?

This coaching program is driven by results and delivers an unparalleled level of service. The outcomes achievable through this program stand apart from any other available. We have extensively studied and researched, personally experienced, and committed ourselves to delivering the best possible client experience and results.

The program includes the following elements


Personalised coaching providing live, specific programmed training sessions

Everything delivered through our easy-to-use APP

An approachable, highly skilled coach who will challenge you and hold you accountable

‘The Vault’ feature on the app that’s full of educational material

Training and nutrition programs tailored to your needs and goals

A weekly one-to-one teams call check in

A community of like minded members who support, encourage and inspire each other with a common goal

24hr support via WhatsApp

How does it work?

We have an Initial discovery call.   

This initial call is to find out more about you. 

We will dive into all aspects of your life which includes work/family and social life, past/current training history, your preferred style of training, this will help us form a picture of what’s holding you back which will enable us to start building new habits. 

I will then take you through the exact roadmap showing you how we will help you achieve your goals. 

Finally, I will then also walk you through the program pricing structure, and the app we use to record and track your progress. If you decide you want to get started, we will have a second onboarding call.  

This is where I will take you through your training and nutrition programme that will be individualised to fit your goals and lifestyle from all the information gathered from our initial call. I will also show you how to use the app to help you and me track your progress. 

Once you are fully set up you will complete a series of check ins. These check ins will keep you accountable and will also provide me with all the data to track your progress. 

We will have weekly teams’ calls reflecting on the previous week but more importantly planning your next to keep you progressing. You can also contact me when you feel the need on WhatsApp at any time. I speak to most of my clients everyday answering questions, keeping them motivated.  

Need to know more? Get in touch below

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